sweet dreams

i had a very sweet, hazy dreams last night
there were you and me
it's been so long since i've seen your face
we were walking down the sidewalk
you smiled at me and so do i
we were walking & holding hands together
and i took the pictures of us
i gave u the shirt and the card
again you smiled at me
it was so wonderful
i can feel the rain poured down on me
and my tears came with it
as i feel the tears go down my cheek
i notice that my heart is weak
it seems so hard to forget u
i don't want to wake up yet
i just wanna be with u
even if it's only in my dreams

i miss you so........

kecik hati..kecik..:(

sampai hati kau
kecik hati aku
aku xsangka kau wt cmni
aku tetau apa salah aku
sume sbb aku xpandai ke
keciknya hati aku
kau mmg yg terbaik
aku yg terhampeh
sume idea aku teruk
tp kau sume org pndang tggi
tp tidak aku
aku mmg begini


everytime class started (...)

everytime class started, i will surely drown...

first of all, i am so broke. i've to buy books, n sgala macam persediaan belajar.. sangatla tensi but ok la nevermind kerana tuntutlah ilmu hingga ke negeri china seberapa pokai pon anda...hahah~

secondly, i think i am more bingaila nowadays. means, everytime the lecturer was talking i couldn't get what he's trying to say tapi kawan-kawan depan aku yg lain siap angguk-angguk bagai lagi ok.. ngan siap tulis-tulis agy. so, to be sync with them, aku pon tulisla tapi menulis benda2 x bepekdah or lukis bunga-bunga or katun2..which is so sengal n mmg i2 la ak..i mean hell. So, i think it's time to balance myself lah.i've been reading craps all this while. bout gosip2 artis(beautifulnara is my fevret eva), baju-baju,,perhaps this time i should start a new habit on buying and reading informative materials. howeva, aku sgt la tetau which materials should i read. ahakz..~

nk pegi libray pinjam2 buku..ohemgeee~ the thing is, aku bukannya suka ok..aku malas dan tak suke but i have to.x kan nak jadi sengal sepanjang mse know nothing kn n later confirm menggulupur tahap dewa bila nak buat assigment..

so..marila mengajak dr ini mendekati meja study~ (oh pliss jdik rajin :p)