"this is just my playground to express my feeling toward things"
construction brigade...traffic survey..(^^,)
ohoo…dis wuz my very 1st tyme doing traffic n highway survey…huuu..wt khidmat msyrkt..kind of keje amal gk la…dpt allowance rm15 per day by DUN senggarang..okla..under construction brigade..rili tired..but i enjoyed myself doing those works…my very 1st day da kne dok seharian kt traffic light tgk kenderaan lalu lalang n tgk gk what kind of conflicts dat m8 b happened there..while my partner abg bad kne wt volume part…bosan gk sbb keje juz 4 3hours..n kne wt tyme peak hours sbb kne tggu wak2 kenderaan bnyk lalu lalang...the next day we ol r needed 2 walk at about 2.3km..cek kerosakan jln...tgh2 pns terik..lori lalu lang kt selekoh..hush...n 4 the other 3days we need 2 do the same thing as da 1st day..doin' traffic study...n 1 day for pci...n on saturday habesla tugas2 kami..n muke sume mmg tebakor gler..huhu...shud b kne joen lg skali for leveling lak..tp cm xsggop jep..haha...mauk rest plop...whateva pom..i do really enjoy doing those works..n automatically la kn sy blaja sumthin new dat cannot be bought at d shop or download from d utube...wee...~