"this is just my playground to express my feeling toward things"
since i decided to burn some calories today...i went for jog just now...afta pusing2 tasik 3kali suda rase letih plus agak malu sbb ada seminar ape tah dkt g3..i think it should be enough lah for today..otw blek tu rasa mcm xbrapa nk penat sgt..then masuk blk rase nk wat cardio..ok...buat la cardio about 1o mnts cmtu je..pastu pg wat sit up..and then tiba2 je rase like my head is spinning and rase nk termuntah...
ok!itu symptom2 aku xckup stamina..hahaha..mane x nye..since afta intern smpai da naek sem 2 bulan lebih ni xde work out lgsg pon..haihhh...teringat time training netball negeri dulu..kne tegur ngn couch sbb training2 rase nk pitam n nk muntah...reason nye cikgu emi ckp aku xalas perut lgsg n perut tu biar kosong n of course aku xckup stamina..plus juga, last nite i juz slept for 2hours gara-gara ber'whatsapp dgn "budak hot" (-__-)" mmg la rase nk pitam...!
ok..to be concluded..before exercise yg agak berat2.....:
i. kenalah exercise yg ringan dulu lebih2 lagi if da berbulan2 tak exercise kan...mcm org kat atas ni lah kan...sigh~
ii. buat lah jalan or slow jog pusing2 taman
iii.ini important! sila warm up betol2 jgn asal buat saje..huuu
iv. alas la perut tu siket cukup sekadar sekeping roti n segelas jus, air mineral pon ok..jgn lak p tibai mee sepinggan+teh tarik 2 gelas (sedapnyeee!) sbb itu mmg confirm buat anda rase nak termuntah2 lalu terjun tasik..
*bila agak2 dah ready tubuh badan tu utk menerima exercise yg lebih berat barulah boleh nk pusing satu daerah ke daki gunung turun naik 3kali ke kannn~hahaha! n penting gak utk minum air bnyk2 before or after exercise..air mineral tau bkn air sarsaparila ke root beer (ok sedap lg!hahaha)
apa pun semuanya bermula dengan mind set kita..good luck!
hahhh..suke kau je kan...
kacak ke kau??
kang aku panggil ninja turtle bg flying kick kau kang...
When I close my eyes,
there it lies.
The memories.
In my mind
they are bonded.
I never try to forget
only let them go.
He did nothing to me.
I’m the one who haunting myself
like a ghost with sharp knife
flying around my body
then, stabbed the heart.
It hurts. A lot.
the blood from the heart
comes with seeds.
Beautiful flowers smile trough the day
making the pain flew away.
He did nothing
but giving me more strength and wisdom
careful steps in future
understanding the nature
because life is full with adventure.
I keep telling me
don’t worry
let it be what it should be.