try this!







p/s : learn to let go~

women rules

this is damn true


laughter is the "best medicine" for your heart!

get out of your serious self and loosen up...!


jangan buat aku macam sampah la sial!
menyusahkan aku je
kau igt aku xda hati?

no i am fine

when i say

"no i am fine"

i mean

"my life sucks..make me feel better please.."


don't simply jump into conclusion
thank you


that's it!
fair enough~~~

lets burn the calories with the right way!

since i decided to burn some calories today...i went for jog just now...afta pusing2 tasik 3kali suda rase letih plus agak malu sbb ada seminar ape tah dkt g3..i think it should be enough lah for today..otw blek tu rasa mcm xbrapa nk penat sgt..then masuk blk rase nk wat cardio..ok...buat la cardio about 1o mnts cmtu je..pastu pg wat sit up..and then tiba2 je rase like my head is spinning and rase nk termuntah...

ok!itu symptom2 aku xckup stamina..hahaha..mane x nye..since afta intern smpai da naek sem 2 bulan lebih ni xde work out lgsg pon..haihhh...teringat time training netball negeri dulu..kne tegur ngn couch sbb training2 rase nk pitam n nk muntah...reason nye cikgu emi ckp aku xalas perut lgsg n perut tu biar kosong n of course aku xckup juga, last nite i juz slept for 2hours gara-gara ber'whatsapp dgn "budak hot" (-__-)" mmg la rase nk pitam...! be concluded..before exercise yg agak berat2.....:

i. kenalah exercise yg ringan dulu lebih2 lagi if da berbulan2 tak exercise kan...mcm org kat atas ni lah kan...sigh~

ii. buat lah jalan or slow jog pusing2 taman

iii.ini important! sila warm up betol2 jgn asal buat saje..huuu

iv. alas la perut tu siket cukup sekadar sekeping roti n segelas jus, air mineral pon ok..jgn lak p tibai mee sepinggan+teh tarik 2 gelas (sedapnyeee!) sbb itu mmg confirm buat anda rase nak termuntah2 lalu terjun tasik..

*bila agak2 dah ready tubuh badan tu utk menerima exercise yg lebih berat barulah boleh nk pusing satu daerah ke daki gunung turun naik 3kali ke kannn~hahaha! n penting gak utk minum air bnyk2 before or after exercise..air mineral tau bkn air sarsaparila ke root beer (ok sedap lg!hahaha)

apa pun semuanya bermula dengan mind set kita..good luck!


pagi-pagi da wat lawak

gelak gelak gelak guling guling



p/s : pecaya pulak aku!

timber vs christina perri

pagi-pagi bukak timber design


timber timber timber

i love you timber


urghhhhhhh =_=;

p/s : love this song anyway!

nite kisses!


syukur sujud

ALLAH berikan apa yang kita perlu
Apa yang kita mahu
Aku bersyukur pada-Mu..Ya ALLAH

nothin lasts forever

nothing lasts forever
so live it up
drink it down
laugh it off
avoid the bullshit
take chances & never have regrets
because at one point..

"everything you did was exactly what you wanted"

can't lie

i would walk away now if i could
i'm the one who never thought i would

Lenka - Heart Skips A Beat

♥ ♥ ♥

sama je kottt

kau ckp pasal org laju
at last kau pon sama je
terasa nk gelak guling2
untunglaaa jadi kau



gone like the winter
gone like my lover
gone is the aching
gone like forever


you must give up the life you had planned
in order to have the life that is waiting for you




jiwa kacau lagi

minggu ini sudah pasti akan menjadi minggu jiwa kacau buat aku

can u hear my heart?


i dont care!

lepas sakit hati...
feelin2 i dont care lak kannnnn
kelasssss kau jah
cover lah tewww~~

nice baby!







being excited for something u'll never have




that's the reason why i hate getting excited on SOMETHING


to be more precise and accurate



flying kick


hahhh..suke kau je kan...

kacak ke kau??


kang aku panggil ninja turtle bg flying kick kau kang...

mmg kau!

habis madu sepah dibuang
ambil balik sepah yg dibuang letak2 madu gune balik
mmg kau lah tu!

small talk



nak handbag baru!

hohooo~moh usha-usha!

nice kott...nk yg cmni ke??

ke yg mcm ni??hehehe..flower-flower'an..dah mcm sluar ayub dah.. :p
for sure lah bukan yg ni

wahaha nak yg mcm ni lah!cara jugee..mcm bawak anjing panggang jalan2...

xnak lah!nak yg ni lak..hahaha..mak aku mst suka teko2 ni...
hahahaha...vodo kelaka...ade ke org gune... :p

ngehh~ yang ni lg comel...
silap2 aku kne tangkap dgn jabatan perhilitan sbb dorg igt aku bunuh tenggiling wat handbag..biasa org gune kulit abes baek punye semua ade..hahaha...sukeee!


yg pastinye handbag yg nak dibeli tu mestilah
yg boleh dibawa berjalan2 dn riangnya mcm dlm gmba ni... T_T

okehh still xtau nak yg mcm mane n nak beli ke x..haha...xde duet pon benanyeee!

You want the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger



i love you
it'll always be you



kau ingat org xtau siapa kau

khabar angin konon

boleh tahan kelakar kau kan


my intern's days~

berposing habis sebelum pg wat kerja ukur sungai..hahahahaha!

yg ni time sv dr uthm dtg..itu hadiah sekadar perhiasan..heee...kelaka encik zaman ni..

yg xboleh blah siap kne jadik gadis kereta berhias kan...hahaha

heee..replika yg ktorg wat sempena sambutan kemerdekaan ;)

muke2 bahagia dapat duit raye from cik ju... :D

okeh..inilah dia crew2 jps yg sgt best..persamaan ktorg adalah suke lepak2 makan gelak2! ;p korek2 gmbo je yg sgt enjoy intern kt jps..n bnyk lah pengalaman yg sy peroleh sepjg berintern kt c2..n pengalaman geli geleman pon sure lah ade.."org tua xsedar diri" lol~ itu sahaja! heee~

it's clear~

we haven't talked in days
but it's clear what you're trying to say.

make a wish

cry hard, laugh loud
be humble, stand proud
and don't be afraid of your fears
let love break your heart
just be who you are
all of this
all that there is
i wish for you

Tazkirah Ramadhan di Pagi Jumaat

This is what i got from tazkirah given by ustaz this morning..Alhamdulillah.. :)

Allah jadikan sesuatu perkara itu pasti dgn hikmahanya..samalah juga dgn bersahur..some people might think that bersahur isn't really important while continuing their sleep is much important then waking up early in the morning n eat at least kurma n air susu..kenapa semua ini berlaku?mungkin kerana kurangnya kefahaman akan pentingnya sahur which is sunat muakkad (sunat yang dituntut) hukumnya...

Hikmah bersahur :

Nabi s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud : ''Bersahurlah kamu kerana sesungguhnya bersahur itu adalah berkat''

Nabi s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud : ''Perbezaan antara puasa kita orang Islam dengan puasa ahli Kitab ialah kita makan sahur''

Dan apabila kita bersahur...

-Allah S.W.T akan berselawat kepada mereka yang bersahur yang mana Allah akan memberi keampunan kepada hambaNya.
-Para Malaikat juga akan berselawat untuk orang yang bersahur yang mana Para Malaikat mendoakan untuk orang2 yang bersahur.

Nabi s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud : "Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat berselawat ke atas mereka yang bersahur'' – hadith dari Ibnu Umar

Marilah kita renungkan bersama..InsyaAllah... :)

Ramadhan Mubarak

kerana di panjangkan umur oleh Allah
dan diberi kenikmatan untuk kita sekali lagi menunaikan ibadat puasa di bulan Ramadhan ini..
Semoga kehadiran Ramadhan kali ini adalah lebih baik drpd yg sebelumnya..
marilah kita mempergandakan Ibadat di bulan yang mulia ini..
dan semoga ibadat puasa kita diterima Allah S.W.T..

Ramadhan Mubarak to everyone.. :)



far away~

here i am again
you're so far away from me
i am hoping that yesterday will never end
they juz went too soon
then again,
i am missing yesterday
i am still missing yesterday


diperanak tiri kan?
org mungkin xperasan
tp kami perasan
dan kami merasakan keadaan itu

broken dreams~

.i can't wait all my life
on a street of broken dreams.


the night is silent.
but i cant sleep.
maybe because i am waiting for my cell phone to beep.
before i dream, what i want is get your message and read.


"a boring evening with uninteresting people"



I watch the other toys play down on the ground, running and chasing each other. Why can't I play like that? Because I would break. Break into a million tiny pieces. Porcelain dolls aren't meant to be played with, we are meant to be looked at and admired. We aren't even considered toys.

Jessie runs and tackles Woody to the ground. She's wresting with him, and by the looks of it, she's winning. Why can I play like that? Because I would break. Break into a million tiny pieces. Break like my heart is broken now.

I'm never taken off the shelf, and I am never admired like a porcelain doll should be. Do I even have a heart? I'm nothing but empty space on the inside. Nothing. That is what I am.
Buzz's helmet shines. Why can't I shine like that? Because I'm porcelain. My skin is soft and delicate, but it will never shine.

Woody's sheriff badge sparkles in the sunlight that comes through the window. I look down at my arms and legs. Nothing. Not a sparkle. Not a flash. That is all that I am. Nothing.
My what used to be white dress is now covered in dust.

I am never taken off the shelf. Why? Because I would break. Break into a million tiny pieces. My blonde hair no longer shines, and my blue eyes are empty. Because I am broken. Shattered. Forgotten. Why? Because I broke. Broke into a million pieces.

Or at least….it feels that way….
I hear footsteps on the shelf. I keep still. Maybe they will go away. Cowboy boots appear next to me. I look up, to find Woody. He's smiling at me. "C'mon Isabelle, come play with us," he says. Is he joking? He must be. I look away. He sits down next to me, and gazes down at the ground.

The rest of his gang is down there, waiting for him.
"It has to get pretty lonely up here," he says, still not looking at me, "It would be a shame for a pretty doll like you to spend her life up here." He gets up and leaves. I watch him go, but don't ask him to stay.

The next day, he comes again. He sits, he talks, and then leaves again. He comes back the next day, the day after, and the day after that. He continues to come and talk to me. The next day, he doesn't sit next to me. What is this feeling? I need something. I want something. Is it…him? Or something else?

Friendship. That is what I long for. And so I cry. I cry for Woody. I cry for friendship. I cry for everything that I can't have.
That is how he finds me. Sobbing. Alone. He doesn't say anything; he just sits with me, and waits. My tears stop, but I still feel the pain. "C'mon Isabelle, come play with us," he smiles. He holds out his hand. "B-but what if I break?" I ask. He continues to smile. "I wouldn't let that happen. I promise," he says. No one has ever promised me anything, and I feel unsure about it. But suddenly, I find myself smiling. He continues to hold out his hand, to hold out the chance of friendship and happiness. And so, I take it.


bosan nk mati harini.
tlg la..ade org sombong lak tu..
tayah sombong sgt
pffftttt~ -_-"

:) :) :)

hard disk aku xpnoh sgt. org2 yg pnting je aku igt.



day-3 internship

hari ke-3.
masuk2 office terus disambut oleh lagu2 klasik.
comel rase.
cm rase dok dlm zaman dolu2 lak.
hari2 pagi dok nyanguk xwt pape.
kang ptg ru dpt keje sibuk nk buat.
autocad xsiap lg ni.
da rasa mengntok lak tu.
yg aku pasti ptg nnt nk pegi paso beli pedal panggang.
cepatla dtg ptg.

1st day intern~

seronok gak.
staf sume baik2.
so far best.
ada sara gak.
tp 1st day da blek lmbt.
wt keje taip2.
siap bawak blek umah.
kena siapkan.
banyak sgt nama parit kne taip.
lau salah nama.
hari esok akan tiba.
xtau mcm mana.
harap ok2.
mst lah ok.
ok utk diri sendiri.


esok start LI!!hah!!!

aku rasa sgt lah cuak!
tiba2 je...
besok start LI sudah!
pape pon xtau ni!



When I close my eyes,

there it lies.

The memories.

In my mind

they are bonded.

I never try to forget

only let them go.

He did nothing to me.

I’m the one who haunting myself

like a ghost with sharp knife

flying around my body

then, stabbed the heart.

It hurts. A lot.



the blood from the heart

comes with seeds.

Beautiful flowers smile trough the day

making the pain flew away.

He did nothing

but giving me more strength and wisdom

careful steps in future

understanding the nature

because life is full with adventure.

I keep telling me

don’t worry

let it be what it should be.

rasa ku~

ku rasa ada kosong di hati
ku juga rasa ada sepi
ingin sekali ku curah rasa ini
biar mengalir tanpa henti

carilah diriku waktu kau perlukan aku
buanglah aku saat kau lebih memerlukan orang lain

rintihan hati seorang aku

>,< be strong!

please be strong.
the dark will abate.
believe in what makes you feel good.
believe in what makes you happy.
do not despair.
i am here.
i care.


it must've been a long time,long enough for these words to become colorless.
even if i just see your eyes, i know everything, like your friend, like your shadow.
we must've been together always.
when you're having hard time and you're sad, even when you're lonely.
holding onto seperation a bit longer, even when i'm hurting to wipe your tears..
there's a girl who loves you so much.. there's a girl who can't even say i love you.. by your side i put my hand out and at a path where you can always reach me..
who cheerish you more than myself, i am with make you laugh.,
when and where ever you are, i am watching you and missing you..
and who worries of only you..
for the thousandth time i swallow and again for ten thousandth time i try to set everything straight.
i want to tell you. i think i'm going insane but..i want to embrace you all at one but..there's a man, who doesn't know i'm like this..
who receives love but doesn't know that it is love.
at this moment tears come but i'm happy.. :')


Lyrics | Kim Jong Kook lyrics - One Man lyrics
when nothing goes right
go left!

apekan dayaku~

apekan daya ku bila result adik aku teruk
aku yg kena marah hahaha padan muka aku
kerana mak kata akulah pengaruh adik tgk cerita korea
walhal aku belajar tgk cerita korea dari adik aku sndr
dan selepas ini aku kena ajar adik aku hari2 atas arahan mak n ayah

mst ok utk dr sndr!

apa lagi boleh ku buat
selain tersenyum menguatkan diri
agar kuat hadapi hari2 esok
agar lupa hari2 silam yg kelam

semua pon mst akan ok! >,<

kata2 jenab menusuk kalbu.. :')

manusia sering meletakkan harapan pada orang lain
sehinggakan mereka menjadi takut akan semua yang mereka belum ketahui .

cma weyh

kata-kata yg ku pinjam dari jenab....suke sgt! :)

P/s : pinjam okey... >,<

before you say i do ♥

cerita yg sgt comel2..cerita lame yg aku bru tgk dkt diva..yela..since nga cuti lame ni kn..
hari2 dok ngadap tv..sume cter melayu, cina, korea, omputeh, industan sume aku tgk..
tp dis movie mmg sgt best..

sgt comel bile dat guy ni (george) wish dat he wud come back to 10 years in da past..just days before doug & jane get married means b4 jane say i do la kn..sbb at da very last mnt jane refuse nk kawen ngn dye...
n part plg aku suke bile time dye nk wish tu...kt traffic l8..mse lampu kuning..dye bwak laju2 sbb nk wish b4 lmpu kuning tuka jd merah..tup2 accident..n when he woke up..dye da blek 10thn lepas...ngeee~ comel gler...

bru la aku tau kn..igt time taik bintang jatuh ke..crik bintang plg bercahaya2 ke...time kt traffic l8 pon jadik..mmg kompom la aku apply kn tiap kali lalu trrfc l8..kot2 xlepas kne tahan polis mmg aku suh la polis tu tgk cter ni..kompom lepas nye lah..hehehe...

the value of smiling... :)

try putting on a smile
it makes you feel better
sure you'll look younger
every time you smile you are sending a gift to the world

a smile is so simple, yet so powerful


are you happy?

happy!happy! :)

Just take the pain away...

pretty words for unpretty face ~

sumpah aku memang xda keje : edisi BIG BANG

big bang big bang big bang

where actually aku mmg xda idea pon nk ckp pasal ape..hahaha..
since aku sgt suke kan big bang..moh ler cerite2 sket pasal mereka nih..huhu...

da kacakest leader & main rapperpeal of big bang
Real Name: Kwon Ji Yong
Date of Birth: August,18,1988
Likes: Fashion, Acting, Cooking, Crispy Donuts, Dogs, Cars, The Drawing ‘Is it like stars or skeleton‘, books (poems, mangas, and magazines), watching cartoons, and himself.

da very active, strong and da youngest member of big bang.n op kos lah kacak sgt kan...:)
Seung Ri
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Lee Seung Hyun
Date of Birth: December 12, 1990
sometimes called panda or baby panda due to the dark circles under his eyes

a very good manner tae yang..hensem~~
tae yang
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Dong Yong Bae
Date of Birth: May 18, 1988
Doesn’t like to fight. He's a good listener where he will listen to you well and thinks about what he is going to say before he says anything.

top..kacak..berkarisma..hensem sgt!
Position: Rapper / Beat BoxerRea
Real Name: Choi Seung Hyun
Date of Birth: November 4,1987
Speaks well in front of people but sometimes lil bit stubborn. he likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. shy and he thinks he’s cute (mmg cute pon!!).

da cutest member of big bang. i do like him much!! since tgk kt family outing..
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Kang Dae Sung
Date of Birth: April 26,1989
Always bright. Does his best in everything. When he is around people, he lightens the mood. Loves goofing off and eating. Doesn’t like showing his sadness, known to be the “happiest” one in the group.
suke daesung sgttt!

them SO MUCH! Really hope dat I can meet them in the future!ngehh~


terasa femes lak... -__-"

hoho...terasa nk perasan2 lak..kehkehkeh..peristiwa ini terjadi last week time g ptong rmbut..
ok potong rambut kt kedai biasa aunty lah kan...msuk je rmai lak org..duduk la tggu turn..aunty pon mmg da knal sgt aku...dr kecik g gunting ngn dia..dulu pg mak bwak skang pg sndr je..nmpak sgt aku da beso kn...hehehe...

then..nga selak2 majalah kn nk pleh patern rambut la kununnye kn..tibe2 ade sorg pakcik ni sapa aku...
pakcik : awak xblek umah ke?
aku : hah?eh balek nape pkck? (tekejut)
pakcik : oh igt xblek..student uthm kn?
aku : oh..aah dok pt.raja je haa... (rase kembang2 cmne ley pkck ni kenal aku..kui3)
pakcik : xde aktiviti ape2 ke cuti?sy baru blek anta student prgi mersing..
aku : xlah pakcik..sbb jap g sy nk kne praktikal dah...
pakcik : oh yelah...
aku : ok pakcik turn sy da smpai.. (melangkah smbil terasa femes lg..n terpikir...mane la pkcik tu nmpak aku kn..cmne la dia ley knal aku......)

siap potong rambut aku pon gerak la g moto..n first thing yg aku nmpak is.. "STICKER STUDENT UTHM" terpampang jelas kt motor...hahahaha...giler bangang nye perasan...ok obvious sgt aku mmg student uthm..hahahaha....dem~ baru nk terasa femes...MySpace