sumpah aku memang xda keje : edisi BIG BANG

big bang big bang big bang
where actually aku mmg xda idea pon nk ckp pasal ape..hahaha..
since aku sgt suke kan big bang..moh ler cerite2 sket pasal mereka nih..huhu...

da kacakest leader & main rapperpeal of big bang
Real Name: Kwon Ji Yong
Date of Birth: August,18,1988
Likes: Fashion, Acting, Cooking, Crispy Donuts, Dogs, Cars, The Drawing ‘Is it like stars or skeleton‘, books (poems, mangas, and magazines), watching cartoons, and himself.

da very active, strong and da youngest member of big bang.n op kos lah kacak sgt kan...:)
Seung Ri
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Lee Seung Hyun
Date of Birth: December 12, 1990
sometimes called panda or baby panda due to the dark circles under his eyes

a very good manner tae yang..hensem~~
tae yang
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Dong Yong Bae
Date of Birth: May 18, 1988
Doesn’t like to fight. He's a good listener where he will listen to you well and thinks about what he is going to say before he says anything.

top..kacak..berkarisma..hensem sgt!
Position: Rapper / Beat BoxerRea
Real Name: Choi Seung Hyun
Date of Birth: November 4,1987
Speaks well in front of people but sometimes lil bit stubborn. he likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. shy and he thinks he’s cute (mmg cute pon!!).

da cutest member of big bang. i do like him much!! since tgk kt family outing..
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Kang Dae Sung
Date of Birth: April 26,1989
Always bright. Does his best in everything. When he is around people, he lightens the mood. Loves goofing off and eating. Doesn’t like showing his sadness, known to be the “happiest” one in the group.
suke daesung sgttt!
♥ them SO MUCH! Really hope dat I can meet them in the future!ngehh~
terasa femes lak... -__-"
hoho...terasa nk perasan2 lak..kehkehkeh..peristiwa ini terjadi last week time g ptong rmbut..

ok potong rambut kt kedai biasa aunty lah kan...msuk je kedai..cm rmai lak org..duduk la tggu turn..aunty pon mmg da knal sgt aku...dr kecik g gunting ngn dia..dulu pg mak bwak skang pg sndr je..nmpak sgt aku da beso kn...hehehe...
then..nga selak2 majalah kn nk pleh patern rambut la kununnye kn..tibe2 ade sorg pakcik ni sapa aku...
pakcik : awak xblek umah ke?
aku : hah?eh balek nape pkck? (tekejut)
pakcik : oh igt xblek..student uthm kn?
aku : oh..aah pkck..sy dok pt.raja je haa... (rase kembang2 cmne ley pkck ni kenal aku..kui3)
pakcik : xde aktiviti ape2 ke cuti?sy baru blek anta student prgi mersing..
aku : xlah pakcik..sbb jap g sy nk kne praktikal dah...
pakcik : oh yelah...
aku : ok pakcik turn sy da smpai.. (melangkah smbil terasa femes lg..n terpikir...mane la pkcik tu nmpak aku kn..cmne la dia ley knal aku......)
siap potong rambut aku pon gerak la g moto..n first thing yg aku nmpak is.. "STICKER STUDENT UTHM" terpampang jelas kt motor...hahahaha...giler bangang nye perasan...ok obvious sgt aku mmg student uthm..hahahaha....dem~ baru nk terasa femes...


it's already 2 a.m in d morning..
n i am still listening to suria cinta..
i cant sleep well..
i had lost my weight..
i know i lived full of optimism for a while..
but lately it's faded away along with my feelings..
i hoped we would be together..
yes, i was totally wrong..
we weren't meant to be together..
although i miss you everyday..
and wish more than anything to be yours..
i've to face reality once and for all..
and realize that you may never be mine..
selamat hari guru..~ (entry yg dah terlambat)
yeahh..dgn ini sy mau wish selamat hari guru kepada semua guru yg telah mengajar sy yg degil ini hingga lah da beso n dah msuk u ni kn...kpd suma guru di sekolah sy yg berikut :

~ srk 2 paloh, kluang
~ sk pintas puding, pt.raja
~ smk sri gading
~ sm sains muar
sy syg cikgu2 semua...terima kasih kerana telah mencurahkan segala ilmu kepada sy... :)
~ok ini tambahan..since my mom pon seorang guru kn..n every teacher's day..mst aku la org yg terasa cm heaven skali sbb bley tlg mak bukak hadiah smbil gelak2 baca ucapan budak2 tecik..hehe...comel sgt...pastu agak2 ada hadiah yg comel2 siket mst da kne rembat ngn aku..kui3...best2!!
ni siap salah nama cikgu lg...alahaii comel2 je rase...
rajin kan...siap buat sendiri lg tauu...
banyak kan my mom dpt..sukeee dpt tumpang sekaki~ hahahahahahaha!!!
okehh....ini ucapan fevret aku....hehehe...comel bangettt~
rajin betol bg hadiah..samala time aku kecik2 kan...semua cikgu rase nk bg hadiah..tp tu skola rendah la..msuk skolah menengah..bg kt cikgu2 fevret je kot..hehehe... >,<
it's not easy to be me~
bf aku dah bertunang?hah?
semalam ngah dok borak2 ngn mai...tibe2 nira dtg ngn lajunye bawak gossip..n ckp.. "eh mien..bf kau dah tunang kn?" sgt lah tekejot kn..since bile plak la aku ade bf ni...huhu..bf yg nira maksudkan tu adalah zahiril adzim kan...hehe...tiba2 teringat time 1st year dulu..hari2 dok tgk cerita merah putih kt tv3..sggop tggu loading lame2 gune ucitv..kol4.30 je mst ak senyap je tgk cter tu..dak2 ni sume dah pelik napela galak sgt aku tgk citer tu..hehe...sume nye sbb zahiril adzim yg kacak ni kan..haiilaaa....da jd tunang org da...melepas la aku...sobss~~ :(
ni pic dyorg tunang...zahiril adzim n shera ayob..oh sweet nye...sama2 padan kan.. :)
learn to live half alive~
encik angsa~
encik angsa
thanks 4 callin' me last night
everytime sy sedih mst sy akan carik awk
n bile dgr suara awk
mst rasa lega sgt
thanks again encik angsa
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