korean drama
ok...korean drama~
but i think...all the storyline of all the Korean dramas are more or less the same..
where the male actor is in love with the female actress..
then they can't be together due to some reasons..
n 4 sure there will be the 3rd person who is so annoying (smpai aku ase nk bg penerajang!)
harusla bkn itu saje...pas2 mst ade parents yg xsuke...xmerestui bagai la...ahakzz....
coz lately neh cam bnyk gak yg menarek....wif a new storyline....marila kite menonton drama korea drpd drama indon yg xlogik 2..huuu~ drama melayu haruslah aku suke kn...:)
whateva pon....
which is attracts a lot of teenagers, especially girls to watch it...
n then become crazy.....(aku la 2 :p)


kurus vs gemok!

jahit menjahit

kami ke melaka ♥

Night-night stars
Night-night noisy
trucks and cars.
Night-night sand box
Night-night toys
Night-night other
girls and boys.
Night-night mom
Night-night dad
Night-night Boogie Man
who's not bad.
It's time to go to sleep now,
most all my night nights said.
Night-night blankie
Night-night bed.
jgn bunuh kongkang!

yesterday lpas bosan2 dok kt blk pg la luar sbb cm fdgr mak n ayah bsg2 form living hall..pelik gler sbb ayah bukak TVIQ..tp xkn ak nk tunjuk kn muke pelik ak..huhu...then ak pon join..if i m not mistaken siaran mse 2 KEEP IT WILD kot..somethng like dat la..actly agak interesting la..
they talked about kokang or it also known as lemur kot..i dunno..dye sgt2 la comel..tp mereka hampir pupus coz pemburu haram keep on searching and haunting for them...da most important part yg sgt ak sedih is mereka diburu pada usia yg kecil n dicabut giginya b4 being sold kt org2 kt luar yg xsedar hakikat keperitan binatang2 tersebut..sbb yup mereka akan menggigit utk mengelak dr digigit pemburu2 xbermaruah cabutla gigi kokang2 ni..n i saw dorg cabut gune nail clipper..oh shit sgt!saket ok..datz why c kokang2 ni akan jtuh saket..
n 1 more thing, supposely kokang2 ni akan tidur n xaktif pd waktu siang n bergiat aktif at n8..jd bila dibela..mst la waktu siang kokang ni akan dibuat maen by kanak2 or sape2 je la..jd di sini ia sudah melanggar hukum alam kepada kokang tersebut yg sepatotnye tdo pada waktu siang...n most of the lemur akan mati..i think about 85-90%..n afta dat mereka akan membeli kokang yg laen n it will keep happening until da xde da kokang kt dunia ni..ohhh...kasian sgt...
ade kokang yg dpt diselamatkan n dirawat..bahagian gigi yg dicabut bernanah..weyyy saket ok!!(ak hamper2 menanges tgk)kesian dye...bkn bley g klinik ke sapu minyak gamat..serius shit for those pemburu sialan yg mencabut gg kokang..tunggula one day kokang2 ni berpakat cabut gg korg ok...!mereka mmg comel tp hakikatnye mereka bukanla haiwan yg boleh dibela kerana asal hidupan mereka adalah di hutan..yes people do KEEP IT WILD!!!
p/s : to all human out there..plis stop buying this kind of animal..kesian kt mereka...sgt comel...but plis leave them alone..wif their own world....~
(its happening in Indonesia..i dunno either its happen in Malaysia or not..)
be nice to me plis~
when i'm asking u..jd jwb la elok2 kn...oh goddd~sgtla pathetic bile kau juz jwb sepatah2...pura2 la sket even if kau xnak layan aku pon...every time u need me then i'll be there 4 u...tp bile time aku...ohhh~i am not asking u bime ke satu set produk pengurus badan ke emas 8 karat ke...aku juz tnye je...aiyoooo...2 pon xley nk properly answer me....uhhh....pity me~try to be nice 2 everyone tp........(segala jenis carutan di dunia)~~
hughugmuahmuah to u~
oh miss kat samura
tyme rehat berebut2 bli pizza,sandwich kt koop..n kalu kne tyme myzra jage mst suh dye belikan..haha...best2..pas2 tengari rehat..mst lari2 g dm..sbb xnk beratur panjang n nk cop kicap...kicap satu botol dak2 tekno pegang...lau org laen mintak mst sume wat muke..esp lau junior..haha...ptg isnin smapi kames ade kls..tp lau xde kls kte rmai2 g koop bli aiskrim..xpon g library usha junior...hohoo..
tyme weekend lak g outing rmai2..g wetex..mkn mcd or kfc..xpon g umah mas..b4 g outing pg ahad 2 kne kmas dorm n cuci toilet..smbel gelak2 ngn junior..fevret aku is pukul kapet gune btg penyapu..pukul kuat2 skali lepas tensyen..
haa...mlm2 afta prep..blek cpt2 g dm if ade soto..tuang smbal kicap bnyk2..uh sedao sgt!xpon g beli nasi lemak or burger gorng..then mkn dpan pintu dorm rmai2 afta bace Al-Mulk..da hbs mkn g blk prep..bajet2 nk stdy..tp last2 bukak tin biskut n mkn2 gelak..blek dorm tdo..xpon stdy gelap2 dpan pintu..harapkan lampu koridor n yes neh fevret aku n dak awe..pnah one tyme neh aku tdo awal..xstay up..dak awe stay up sorg2 dpan pintu fata l8 off..sat g warden menjerit suh sape yg stdy dpn pintu turun n kne dok kt luo pagar..hahaha...pdn muke dak awe..kne sorg2..
ptg2 afta kelas kne g riadah..da best part is ak n dak2 dorm aku rmai2 jln g pintu pagar..pas2 kua kan kaki sebelah...wat lepas rindu nk kua pagar sekola yg xlepas2..nk2 if ahad ade add math rmai2 ngn fasi kt dm...mmgla xdpt kua..huhu..pas2 g maen netball of coz la kn..since aku sgt gler ngn netball mse skola..sume org aku ajak maen..haha...igt lg mse pegi mssj under muo..blek kls sume gelakkan aku sbb hitam gler..training hari2 pas2 hitamla..haha...dorg dok dlm kls je...aku lak dok bwah matahari kompomla hitam..huk2..
n plg best if mggu blek..huuu...sonok...awal2 aku da kmas brg..jgn harapla hari jumaat nk blek 2 aku nk fokus kt kls..da pk2 je nk naek bus blek umah...n tiap2 kali blek aku blek ngn fare2 c kembar..bile nk kne blek hostel mst aku sedih smpai nanges2 xnk blek..haha..
yee...seronok sgt bile teringat zmn skola dulu...oh really miss u guys...
You don’t want me, no
You don’t need me
Like I want you, oh
Like I need you
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life
You can’t see me, no
Like I see you
I can’t have you, no
Like you have me
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life
You can’t feel me, no
Like I feel you
I can’t steal you, no
Like you stole me
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life
two to go
contract n estimation-done
n now juz 2 more papers to go...hopefully i can do it well..
wish me luck...
say hello 2 hydrology n design...
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect"
but at least..4 now..
"i am happy"
even if..it won't be long..
now i lay me down to study.
i pray the Lord i won't go nutty.
if i should fail to learn this junk.
i pray the Lord i will not flunk.
but if i do, don't pity me at all.
just lay my bones in the exam hall.
tell my prof i did my best.
then pile my books upon my chest.
now i lay me down to rest.
and pray i'll pass tomorrow's test.
if i should die before i wake,
that's one less test i'll have to take!
lame xupdate..huhu..bz exam la katekan..haha...bru habeh 2 paper..still got many more exams yg susah2 yg perlu ku tempuhi..haish..ape pon paper yg plg menakotkan (geotech) suda lepas..tp highway xlg..hahaha...wat statistics td pon ase da letih gler sbb bnyk sgt jln kerja...smpai satu tahap 2 ase nk lipat2 paper wt kapal tebang baleng...(exaggerate gler)..uhuhuu...~n mmg btol ase cm nk tekua darah dr hidung jwb statistics td...hahaha...
n dis is what we called geotechnics' disaster
(gler serabot meja..ni bru meja..blom otak lg..hahaha...n afta neh kompom ade bnyk g disaster2 yg akan muncul kt dlm hidupku...hahaha)