ok...korean drama~
these few months I've watched a lot of korean dramas..
- boys over flower
- you're beutiful
- personal taste
- daring woman
- marry me mary (xhbs g tgk)
- secret garden (xhbs gak)
- giant (xhbs gak g)
(a lot bukan? hahaha)
which gives me headache since i wuz so worried bout the da storyline...what m8 happened next n then...smpai termasuk2 dlm mimpi2 ku...
but i think...all the storyline of all the Korean dramas are more or less the same..
where the male actor is in love with the female actress..
then they can't be together due to some reasons..
the male actor must be sum1 yg kaya..kacak..n xlayak ngn dat female...
n 4 sure there will be the 3rd person who is so annoying (smpai aku ase nk bg penerajang!)
harusla bkn itu saje...pas2 mst ade parents yg xsuke...xmerestui bagai la...ahakzz....
n 4 sure there will be the 3rd person who is so annoying (smpai aku ase nk bg penerajang!)
harusla bkn itu saje...pas2 mst ade parents yg xsuke...xmerestui bagai la...ahakzz....
More or less the same la..tp xsemua gak....
coz lately neh cam bnyk gak yg menarek....wif a new storyline....marila kite menonton drama korea drpd drama indon yg xlogik 2..huuu~ drama melayu haruslah aku suke kn...:)
coz lately neh cam bnyk gak yg menarek....wif a new storyline....marila kite menonton drama korea drpd drama indon yg xlogik 2..huuu~ drama melayu haruslah aku suke kn...:)
whateva pon....
aku still suke menontonnye...since the male actors are so handsome kacak smart!
n the drama is so funny and very interesting actually nye...
which is attracts a lot of teenagers, especially girls to watch it...
n then become crazy.....(aku la 2 :p)
which is attracts a lot of teenagers, especially girls to watch it...
n then become crazy.....(aku la 2 :p)