Mizz Nina Feat. Colby O Donis What You Waiting For
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for
[mizz nina]
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for
its your birthday
so tell me what's you want it too
[mizz nina]
its my birthday
im really wanna get with you
drop the beat now and may be we can get it started
[mizz nina]
will go insane and take you to the after party
so what's your name hey baby what's your name oh yeah
[mizz nina]
sexys my name yea sexys my name
ok and whats your game hey baby what's your game
[mizz nina]
ok i like to play..i ..i like to play
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for
[mizz nina]
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for
hey sexy girl from kuala lumpur
[mizz nina]
hey baby that's me i'll be on the dance floor
i got you with surprise we pop in up in VIP
[mizz nina]
and if i ask nice can i take you home with me
baby let's get crazy come and loose control
you want to tear up after party
i know you wants some more
i wanna see you with that body ???
baby come and get it
what you what you waiting for
sy sayang chupeey~
facts exist in the world
~When cats are happy or pleased, they squeeze their eyes shut
~The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees
~Some Chinese believe that swinging the arms cures headaches
~Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die
~When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red
~When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red
~Women blink nearly twice as much as men
~You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV..
~A snail can sleep for three years
~Dogs have about 10 vocal sounds; cats have over 100
~Human eye detects 10 million colors
~Kissing helps prevent tooth decay
~Butterflies smell with their feet
~Your thumb is the same length as your nose
~The egg came first
* I Believe and Live the Fact That Life Is Beautiful...
~The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees
~Some Chinese believe that swinging the arms cures headaches
~Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die
~When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red
~When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red
~Women blink nearly twice as much as men
~You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV..
~A snail can sleep for three years
~Dogs have about 10 vocal sounds; cats have over 100
~Human eye detects 10 million colors
~Kissing helps prevent tooth decay
~Butterflies smell with their feet
~Your thumb is the same length as your nose
~The egg came first
* I Believe and Live the Fact That Life Is Beautiful...
geology trip..trip ke??huuu...(cameron & gua musang)

betolak jumaat mlm sab2..wahah..sgt la exited..cm best jek kn dpt jln2 ngn kwn jauh2..ngeh...dat monin' 2 arrived at kelantan at about 6 sumthin la..smayang subuh sume then had breakfast..pg2 suda mkn nasi..lecturer teshenta pom da pesan mkn berat twus coz ssh nk dpt nasik later..cm blur2 jek xfhm nape kt mesia yg makmur neh ssh lak nk dpt nasik tbe2..hehe...n at about 9 o'clock smpai la kami ke gua msg..yah..!tempat yg mmg xde mkanan..bkn takat xde mkanan tp xde org pom...huhu..kenderaan berat jek yg lalu lalang...huu...d cni la kebencianku tehadap a*** bemula..coz kne wt keje berat without having any water suuply...smpaila kol2.30..n kol 5 ru smpai cameron..mmg cm nk mati kehausan kot ktorg...yaa...ape2 pon smpai suda d cameron...n sgt enjoy..wlaopon pnoh ancaman dr pihak pengajar...haha...karok 2geda..n maen carom gk 2 geda..pas2 g sopeng bli jagung..gule2..huuu..sukee....n yg plg suke mkn stlobeli bnyk2...sgt enjoy la wlaopom sgt penat..<3>


* sy sdg serab0t....~
uhuh..dis is ma 4th blog...yg b4 neh sume mane tah..2 xigt password...d other 1 cm hampeh...huuu~ yayayay....sgt la bosan..datz why tbe2 terajen n create new blog neh...eheh..thnx 2 kaka nija kerana membantu serba-serbi...n she's gonna b da 1st person 2 b added by me...n yeah..sy sgt lapar now neh...nk kua pom tesgt la mls..nk blek umah pom mls sbb sok pg ta bleh bgn lmbt...hahaha..bru jek habes test yg melambak 4 dis whole hectic week...jumaat sab2 ahad g cameron..blek on monday ade paper..then wed n thursday lak...jawab pom cm hampeh sume paper...matilaa..hahaha...td lak ade presentation 4 pbl math...hush!sgt la lteh..tp sgt la x pecaye bahawa sy bejaye menempuhi week yg penoh ngn pancaroba...huu~yeah live life to the fullest!!hahaha!
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