* sy sdg serab0t....~
uhuh..dis is ma 4th blog...yg b4 neh sume mane tah..2 xigt password...d other 1 cm hampeh...huuu~ yayayay....sgt la bosan..datz why tbe2 terajen n create new blog neh...eheh..thnx 2 kaka nija kerana membantu serba-serbi...n she's gonna b da 1st person 2 b added by me...n yeah..sy sgt lapar now neh...nk kua pom tesgt la mls..nk blek umah pom mls sbb sok pg ta bleh bgn lmbt...hahaha..bru jek habes test yg melambak 4 dis whole hectic week...jumaat sab2 ahad g cameron..blek on monday ade paper..then wed n thursday lak...jawab pom cm hampeh sume paper...matilaa..hahaha...td lak ade presentation 4 pbl math...hush!sgt la lteh..tp sgt la x pecaye bahawa sy bejaye menempuhi week yg penoh ngn pancaroba...huu~yeah live life to the fullest!!hahaha!